script to change hostname for AWS instance

If you want to set the public DNS as a hostname to the AWS linux  server then you can set it by using following scripts.
The default public DNs for the AWs instance in the format “” and when we create the instance from AWs then it set internal hostname for the server. We can set the correct hostname for AWS instance.
1) Create file vi /home/ and add the following code.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OLD_HOSTNAME="$( hostname )"
# Auto Detect the Hostname of the server
NEW_HOSTNAME="$( curl )"

if [ -z "$NEW_HOSTNAME" ]; then
#echo -n "Please enter new hostname: "
read NEW_HOSTNAME < /dev/tty
if [ -z "$NEW_HOSTNAME" ]; then
echo "Error: no hostname entered. Exiting."
exit 1
echo "Changing hostname from $OLD_HOSTNAME to $NEW_HOSTNAME..."
hostname "$NEW_HOSTNAME"
sed -i "s/HOSTNAME=.*/HOSTNAME=$NEW_HOSTNAME/g" /etc/sysconfig/network
if [ -n "$( grep "$OLD_HOSTNAME" /etc/hosts )" ]; then
sed -i "s/$OLD_HOSTNAME/$NEW_HOSTNAME/g" /etc/hosts
echo -e "$( curl )\t$NEW_HOSTNAME" >> /etc/hosts
echo "Done."

2) chmod 755 /home/
3) sh /home/
4) check hostname is changed or not by using the command
[root@] hostname
[root@] hostname -i
4) Done

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