How to use cgiemail?

How to use cgiemail ?
If you want to use the cgiemail in your site then follow the simple steps.
1) Create one .txt file (result.txt) and add the following sample code and save this file.
Subject: questions three

What is your name? [yourname]
What is your quest? [quest]
What is your favourite colour? [colour]
Note : Replace the “” with the correct email address on which you want to receive request.
2) Create one .html file (test.html) and add the following sample code and save this file.
<form action="" method="POST">Your e-mail address: <input name="email" />
Your name: <input name=”yourname” />
Your quest: <input name=”quest” />
Your favourite colour: <input name=”colour” />
<input type=”submit” value=”Send e-mail” />
Note: replace “” to actual your domain name and replace “result.txt” to actual .txt file which you have created.
3) Then you can access the URL fill the form and click on the “Send e-mail” button.
4) Done
You can create test.html page as per your requirement. I have try provide the simple method to use of cgiemail.

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