Make your shell colorful

You can easily changed your black ssh screen to colorful screen by using following steps.
1) Login to the server via SSH as root
2) Edit the .bash_profile file found in the /root directory & paste the following line:
vi  .bash_profile
export PS1="\[$(tput bold)$(tput setb 4)$(tput setaf 7)\]\u@\h:\w $ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"
Save & quit the file
Now re-login through a new/different session to see the fun
You can further more change the various attributes within the given line to try a variety of colours..
Ex: for blue background with command history number, try these:
export PS1='\e[1;31m\]\e[7m[\h - ${VIEW}\u ] [\w]\e[m\]\e[27m\n[\!]$'
Note : Please make sure to leave the current window running & check the changes in a new one

3 Thoughts to “Make your shell colorful”

  1. Sachin

    It’s really nice finding sir.I will surely try.

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