Problem in password protection using .htaccess

How to protect CRE Loaded admin area ?

Problem when page requires authentication

How to set  password protection for sub directory  without affecting to other .htaccess rewrite rules
Ans :
You will notice that the default .htaccess will not work if your page requires authentication.
Suppose you have set the password protection for admin or any other sub-directory   and when you tyr to  access the URL then it shows the “401” error .
This problem is  occurred due the root .htaccess ( which is under document root) file.
I have trying all sorts of htaccess rewrites in different places but the solution is very simple.
Add this line to the beginning of the .htaccess file in your root .htaccess means “/home/username/publi_html/.htaccess ” file.
ErrorDocument 401 “Unauthorized”
After that when you have access the URL then it ask the login details.

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